Enter the 3D world

3D printing has triumphed with leaps and bounds, and that is clearly seen at 3Dwalla as well. With quick, quirky and creative designs produced by us to your own personal designs, it’s done here with all the might and ingenuity possible. From young and learning architects to manufacturers to people completely oblivious about 3D printing and how it’s done, we do it all. Our classy gear cases unlike other phone cases, have a movable gear that is place at the rear end, which gives it a touch of sheer genius, all of which is completely an out of the box experiment tested and passed by us.

3D printing has its ups and downs. It is cheaper for people who require certain prototypes creating them singly for examining. The manufacturer thus doesn’t have to pay loads of money for a crate of glass prototypes for example which would end up with him slaying his bank balance & no complete assurance of a perfect product! With perfect and intricate designing, the services provided at 3Dwalla are one of a kind. For those who don’t know, 3D printing requires the designed file to be a 3D image in a CAD file, however that’s not always possible. Offering the services to edit the image from 2D to 3D, the designers at 3Dwalla work extensively in order to create the best product.

If you have a dream object, 3D printing is the way to make them come true. Entering the third dimension with elaborate designs makes any idea created by 3Dwalla the finest. Imagine you go to a store and find yourself this perfect toy or statue, but it’s out of your budget or some of the properties aren’t up to your standards. That very toy or statue can be created to your liking at cheaper a price compared to what a retail store will have you purchase it. Don’t take just one look. Take several. Make your mind assured that what you desire is that. Most people don’t really focus and end up purchasing products they never end up using. Suppose you love the Eiffel tower a lot, but end up getting a Burj Al Khalifa instead, would that make you happy? If you love the Eiffel tower, you must try our ready prototypes of the same as well as other such designs for a better idea as to what you are getting into!

3D has come a long way, all the way to 4D. But with 3D printing, the bliss and artistry is very well recognized in the ideation as well as designing and complete prototyping. Always remember that quality is a must but not at the wrong price. With an entirely eccentric design module, 3Dwalla has a long journey to rampant and unending designing and creations.